How to Start Home Auto Parts Business

Published on by miao yu

How to Start Home Auto Parts Business

If you enjoy working with cars, but are not mechanically inclined, then you are a candidate to start a home auto parts business . Auto parts is cleaning a car thoroughly and making it look as close to showroom clean as you can. You can start your auto parts business from home provided you have a garage or car port to work under and protect your client vehicles from the sun and birds. If you do not have a garage, then a portable canopy will do the trick. Once your location is in place, you can begin to put together your auto parts business.

Step 1

Work for an existing car detailing company to learn how to professionally detail a car. When clients hire you, they will expect you to know more about cleaning a car than they do. Make sure you do plenty of research using books from the library and instructional videos on the Internet to learn how to properly detail a vehicle.

Step 2

Check with the local zoning board to make sure you are allowed to have an auto parts business at your home. You may need to request a variance in order to run your business if your home is not partially zoned for commercial use.

Step 3

Register your business at the local state business licensing office. You can find the local state business licensing office information by doing a search for it on the Internet.

Step 4

Purchase business liability insurance through your insurance agent to protect you financially in case you damage a client's car while detailing it.

Step 5

Create your work area in your garage, under your car port or in your driveway using a temporary car shelter. You will be waxing cars, so you will want to protect the finish of your clients' vehicles from direct sunlight. Be sure you have safe and adequate power to your location for any power cleaning tools you may use including the vacuum. Have a water hose connection nearby, and make sure your work area drains quickly and safely to prevent damage to your property. Create a lot of counter and storage space to allow yourself a place to work on cleaning smaller car accessories, such as floor mats, and to store your cleaning supplies.

Step 6

Market your business by going door-to-door in your neighborhood with informational fliers about your business, and by encouraging your family and friends to give your business a try.

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